August 17, 2012

one month.

I got this idea from a couple who posted monthly photos of their little one.  I've come across various ways people have documented the growth of their child in the first year and wanted to do the same for ours.  But knowing my poor track record for long-term projects (i.e. the one-a-day photo project I attempted three different years and never completed a full year, and needless to say, my book-a-month resolution has been stalled but I have a good excuse for that), I needed to make this as simple as possible.  Really, the motivation is to make sure I'm giving regular updates for the grandparents.  So on this couch, with Albert our French Bulldog, in a diaper, every month for a's Ezra starting at one month.

In the first month, Ezra went from 6.9lb to 9.5lbs.  Apparently, he's gaining weight in leaps and bounds.  He's been smiling and can even roll from tummy to back on his own.  The midwife informed us that in the second week, babies often "find their voice" which is another way of saying crying more and louder.  And that he did.  The middle of the night feedings were pretty brutal in the first couple of weeks but I started to (barely) get the hang of it.  But despite the sleepless nights and crying (Ezra's and mine), it's worth it to have this little peanut finally with us.

1 comment:

  1. What a guy. Looking forward to seeing more of him. And Albert too.
